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Vital Harmonics

The Colour Galleries

Health Care spaces in the West have adopted a certain approach to visual presentation, striving stridently for an impression of 'scientific' neutrality, while carefully avoiding any suggestion of emotional well-wishing  or direct positive emotional input.

If you have ever been in a hospital, a doctor's or a dentist's waiting room, you will certainly know what I mean.

This 'legacy' approach is now being challenged, and many new ways sought to perhaps sweeten the intense emotional and physical challenges of the experience.

Here you will find a couple of galleries suggesting my style as a contribution in this rapidly evolving field.

We have seen some of the ways that this different way of bringing art and design

together can add an uplifting sparkle to environments.

These spaces are part of our daily experience, in a home, a restaurant or an hotel.  

A very natural next step is to explore the ways one might add a life-affirming energy to some of the most demanding and challenging environments, in Health Care spaces.


It could help everyone who passes through the door.


We now measure the traces of life passing by with ever increasing accuracy and precision. Even with this impressive volume of numbers and pictures

of the things which go on in our bodies and brains, no-one has yet come up with a scientific measurement of Wellness, or even Fitness, for that matter.

Although everyone knows that it is a Good Thing, and wants to have it.

Wellness is absolutely the theme; how art may help to sustain and enhance it directly, powerfully and therapeutically, more than simply added-on decoration.


A Visual Essay


Vital Harmonics is the focus of my work at this point.

It embodies all of my skills, and all my aspirations to contribute to the world. My motives are urgent and personal.  

It is a venture and  an experiment. At this point.




Some of the background to this project

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